Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009 - Tis the Season!

This was the year of many Christmas celebrations for the Grinaker Family ... I think Merik really will believe there are 12 days of Christmas!  Merik woke up each day asking if we got to have Christmas again.  We started by having our own mini-family celebration on Thursday, December 17th.  Then it was off to Detroit Lakes on Friday for the weekend (after eating supper with Nate and Hanna who both flew into Fargo that Friday night).  We had Christmas in Detroit Lakes on Saturday, December 19th, followed up by the HUGE Brendemuhl Family Christmas on December 20th.  Merik was sent to Beach on Monday with Uncle Nate and Auntie Kay-Kay to spend some extra time with my family ... he was happy he could beat us all there, since everything is a race these days!  Then Jake, Ryker, and I braved the stormy weather and headed to Beach on Wednesday.  We opened gifts with my family on Wednesday, December 23rd, in order to fit it all in before our big family gatherings.  On Christmas Eve we went to my Aunt "Ria's" house ... Santa even happened to show up at 7:30 that night.  Boy, the look on Merik's face was priceless!  He talked Santa's ears off, but it sure was fun to watch the twinkle in his eye.  Even Ryker enjoyed Santa!  Christmas Day was held at my parent's house and my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. joined us for a FULL day of food, games, more food, and festivities.  We had such a fun time!

Detroit Lakes Christmas!

Ryker definitely enjoyed the ribbons, bows, and paper the most!

Merik got a hockey set from his Uncle Jim & Aunt Rhonda.  Of course he had to play ASAP, which I think made Grandpa and Daddy more excited and proud than anything!

"Boo-yah"  G-O-A-L!

Grandpa had just as much fun!

Ryker wanted to play too!

Ryker and Grandma's "score" dance.

Merik & Auntie Hanna being silly.

Merik thought Ryker needed to at least try the Christmas ice-cream too.  (Ended up not being the best idea ... Ryker's poor tummy!)

The two brothers playing trains.

Our attempt at a family pic in Detroit Lakes ... we never did get one with everyone looking and smiling.  It was way past the boys' bedtimes, that is for sure!

Christmas in Beach!

The Boys and Mommy getting ready to open presents in Beach.  (You can definitely tell I just got done traveling in the car from Fargo in terrible weather and didn't know we would be opening presents ... not in my best attire!)

Merik and his MOUND of presents.

Ryker and Uncle Nate.

Merik and Nana with Merik's new ENGINE SHED!

Merik hanging out with his cousins: Zaren, Ashelyn, and Tiandra.

Crazy Jake wearing the funky lights glasses!

Ryker and Ashelyn.

Family photo.  Too bad I didn't think to do this before the boys changed out of their Christmas outfits and into their new jammies!

Ryker and cousin Brynnae ... both in their new pj's.

Merik's turn to try out the funky lights glasses.  (These glasses make all lights turn into patterns ... for example, every light becomes a snowflake so the Christmas tree looks like a bunch of individual snowflakes.)

Merik with Uncle Nate and cousins Rachel and Zaren.

Merik with Aunt Ria.

Ryker hanging out with cousin Ashelyn again!

Merik, Uncle Nate, and Brynnae checking out "Elf Yourself" on the computer.  Needless to say, it was quite hysterical!

Ryker with his cousin Rachel.

Merik playing with all of his new Thomas the Train sets.  Looks like one big village now ... he was super excited!

Ryker chillin' with Uncle Nate on Christmas Morning.

Ryker with Papa.

The Boys by the tree on Christmas Morning.

Merik lifting Ryker ... quite a comical experience!

Ryker getting ready to fall asleep on cousin Tiandra.

Ryker with cousins Zaren, Tiandra, and Brynnae.

Merik and Ryker with Nana and Brynnae.

Daddy and Merik playing in the freezing cold weather ... Merik couldn't resist playing in the massive amounts of snow, no matter how cold it was!

Sitting on the snow mountain!


Ryker and Nana.

Ryker with Papa and Nana before leaving to go back to Fargo.

Papa & Ryker.

Merik "shaving" in the bathtub with his new Thomas the Train shaving kit that he got in his stocking.

Concentrating very hard ... "I don't want to cut myself Mommy!"


Emily Netland said...

LOVE the pics!! Looks like you guys had a busy Christmas! and way to get the blog up and running!

Brittany Grinaker said...

Thanks Emily! It is about time, right? I tell you what, blogging is kind of addicting though. I was reading tips on the internet to figure out how to change fonts and stuff ... I started to feel like a mini-computer programmer! Haha! Now it is time to keep up with it. Thanks for the inspiration!

About Me

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Fargo, ND
I am happily and blissfully married to the love of my life, Jake Grinaker. We met in college at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, and will be celebrating 5 years of marriage in July 2010. The past five years have taken us from Duluth to Savage, MN, where Jake successfully completed his Doctorate of Chiropractic, and finally to our home in Fargo, ND in August 2008. We are the very proud parents of two healthy, happy, and good-natured little boys, Merik and Ryker. They truly light up our lives and keep us going! Jake opened Strive Chiropractic in January of 2009, and I recently made the tough decision to leave Sanofi-Aventis to work as a Senior Biopharmaceutical Rep for Amgen Biotech. I am definitely enjoying getting back to my "science" roots! We love living in Fargo closer to family and are truly blessed to be surrounded by great friends. I created this blog to always allow friends and family near and far to have a "sneak-peek" into our lives. Thanks for checking in, and please visit again soon!